Thursday, January 29, 2009


In Argentina all children between the ages of six and fourteen have to go to school, by law. these are the clases they teach; Science, Mathematics, Languages, Art, History, Sport and Geography. I am going to tell my side of my school stories, when I was living in Argentina, i went to school until my 6th grade. the teachers are very nice, like all of them, like anywhere in the world i guess, but the students, are horrible. They sometimes dont listen to the teachers, throw stuf and don really behave, not compared to the United States. here, you get in a lot of trouble, if you only talk back to the teacher. i mean, in Argentina you would be send to the office, and get into trouble, but its different. also drugs, there is a lot of drugs going on in Schools, i've seen it, people offered me and showed me. Since that day, I moved to another school. The subjects are harder than they are here. Things we are doing right know, they already did. people have told me that when you go to college, you cannot go outside with friends and spend some time, because all the study you will be doing. That is crazy! now i have to thin twie wether I want to go or stay, but I don't care about it, I preffer my country. Also the schools are not as good as we have it here on the USA. they are all messed up, like poor... some of them, not all, because I wento to some nice private schools, overall, my experience going to school there, in Argentina, when I was a little kid, it was nice.

Friday, January 9, 2009

El Ciclon(The cyclone)

This is my favorite soccer team, i go for them since i was born. My dad goes for San Lorenzo too, so is his fault that i cheer for them. I love this soccer team, they aren't great, but they don't suck either, they were champions of the Argentinian league in Clausura 2007, and almost champions in Clausura 2008. San Lorenzo is one of the best teams in Argentina soccer. San Lorenzo is my heart, my happines sand sadness. As a little kid I have seen this team play only one time, but i dont really remember because i was a little kid, and one of my dreams is to see them play in person. Thats my dream. I think Argentine soccer is the best that could happen in this world. I read on the Internet one day a list that things you should do before you die, and one thing was, go watch a Argentinian soccer game-BOCA JUNIORS v.s RIVER PLATE- Those are the strongest teams in Argentina, but as I say, nothing compared to my life, San Lorenzo de Almagro.