Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The Argentineans defeated France in Marseille yesterday and it was Maradona's 100th day on the job as the team's coach. Goals from Jonas GutiĆ©rrez and Messi (of course he had to score!) ensured a 2-0 victory in front of the packed stadium yesterday. "My guys played well," Maradona said in an interview at the end of the game. “I am very glad. I am happy with their performance.” This brings comfort to all the Argentine people. Now we believe again. I think that we played better without the importan player Riquelme whom his shirt reads number 10 on the back, but maybe im wrong, maybe we could of won by more goals, nobody knows for sure. Everybody played good against the powerful france. France is pretty good, they got second place in 06 world cup, plus they have very skillful players, like Rivery, Henry, Abidal and more. And the vicroty is secondary, what comes first is how the players we have feel the love and passion for the jersey.

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