Friday, April 24, 2009

La Avenida 9 De Julio

Avenida 9 de Julio(9 of july) is an avenue in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Its name honors Argentina's Independence Day.

The avenue runs roughly one kilometer to the west of the Río de la Plata waterfront, from the Retiro district in the north to Constitución station in the south. The avenue has six lanes in each direction. its full of lights everywhere you go. its almos like the Dallas downtown. I remember going to the downtown with my dad alone, and sometimes my sister would come with us, but we tried to keeo her home because she was little at that time, and she cried about everything, cause she wanted everything she could see. There were tons of like stores! it was awesome, it was like a super giant mall from the united was nice. also everytime we went with my dad, we used to eat at a pizzeria, or a restaurant that only sells pizza, oh my god those pizza were the best thing I have ever tried, and im not exaggerating. Only thinking about it and remember thats beatiful smell, my mouth gets all watery, and my stomach hurts because of the hunger!!

So yeah, if i was still living in Argentina, I would of go with my girlfriend and walk and feel the fresh air of the streets of la avenida 9 de julio.

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